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QUO VADIS, EUROPA? Session I: The EU as a global actor in a changing world
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? Session VII: War on EU borders and the Europe of Defense
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? Session VI: Europe between USA and China
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? | Session VI: The EU from the African perspective
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? | Session II: Enlargement and Neighbourhood. The Western Balkans on their way ...
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? | Session IV: China. The EU and China’s Emergence
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? | CLOSING SESSION: The construction of a political Europe in the face of the ...
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? | Session I: EU Support for Ukraine
“Quo Vadis Europa? The birth of a geopolitical Europe” with HR/VP Josep Borrell
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? Session IX: Europe between two wars. EU and the crisis in the Middle East
QUO VADIS, EUROPA? | Session III: Europe as a Geopolitical Actor in Security and Defence
Quo Vadis European foreign policy? A decade of the European External Action Service